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The Ripple Effect: Long-Term Implications of the SVB Collapse
BMO Capital Markets Webinar
August 2023
Liam O'Sullivan
Principal, Co-Head of Client & Product Solutions

On April 19th, 2023, Liam O'Sullivan, Principal & Co-head of Client Portfolio Management at RPIA, and Rob Poole, Co-Head of Equities, Head of Fundamental Equity Research at Picton Mahoney Asset Management, participated as panelists on a webinar hosted by BMO Capital Markets, The Ripple Effect: Long Term Implications of the SVB Collapse

In their discussion, Liam and Rob spoke in detail about the recent market events, providing some background to both the Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse fallout. They addressed the parallels and differences between the two and reviewed the sustainability of the regional banking model, addressing any impacts these events may have on Canadian banks. 

Watch the Replay(Password: Silicon)

Read the one-page summary of the webinar


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