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Investment Advisors

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How Our Strategies Are Performing

An overview of all our strategies including their performance, portfolio characteristics, fund facts, and any relevant documents all in one place.

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RP Alternative Global Bond Fund ("AGB")

December 2024

In this note, we highlight how AGB has provided investors with positive returns every calendar year since its inception and how we believe the fund is well-positioned to provide compelling relative and absolute performance in 2025.

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stick graph chart of stock market investment trading on blue background

Credit Market Themes in 5 Charts

Q4 2024

As we head into the first quarter of 2025, we have compiled five charts that we think highlight some of the key themes and opportunities we see in the current market environment.

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Business document report on paper and tablet with sales data and financial business growth graph on table background.

Q4 2024 Performance Commentary

This in-depth performance commentary covers how our strategies performed during the last quarter of 2024.

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Celebrating 5 Years of Oustanding Returns

RP Alternative Global Bond Fund

Since inception, RP Alternative Global Bond Fund (AGB) has generated positive returns every calendar year while outperforming traditional corporate bonds. With low sensitivity to interest rates, we believe AGB remains well-positioned to continue delivering positive risk-adjusted returns in various market environments.

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Investor Education Videos Thumbnails

InvestED - Investor Education Videos

A collection of short educational videos aimed at helping investors understand intricate investment concepts. Some topics include bonds 101, alternative fixed income strategies, and more. 

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Our Approach

Our Approach

For more than a decade, we have helped Canadian investors achieve their investment objectives by providing innovative fixed income solutions focused on corporate bonds. We firmly believe that there is a better way to manage bond portfolios than a passive “coupon-clipping” approach. We employ a highly active approach that focuses on generating steady returns and preserving capital during volatile markets. There are a number of aspects to our approach which mark us out as a unique investment manager.

We have assembled a team with deep expertise in managing bond portfolios, and paired this team with institutional quality risk management systems. We have committed to investing in proprietary technology and have been incorporating ESG factors in our decision-making process long before it became fashionable to do so. Finally, we have designed thoughtful investment solutions for our clients that provide them with a better risk-adjusted return from fixed income.

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How We Invest

How We Invest

At RPIA, we have a collaborative team that prioritizes in-depth industry, country, and company analysis. Group discussions of our analyses are at the core foundation of all our investments. We use a wide range of investment tools and proprietary technology that are often unavailable to more traditional fixed income investors. 

Our Investment Committee and portfolio construction groups drive the bigger picture. Our investment team is empowered to maximize the credit research, quantitative analysis, and risk management tools to generate the ideas that fuel all our different strategies. 

We are your local partner that has built specialized expertise across global markets. We pride ourselves on having a team with complementary skills and experiences and some members joining us with insights from working abroad. The ability to invest across global markets differentiates us from others, especially as we hedge the currency risk across our funds. It also helps attract and retain what is, in our view, the best investment team for our investors. 

Flexibility is an underappreciated asset but one that we value highly. Our investment team is experienced in seeking the best relative value and is not bound by indices. We constantly reevaluate the original thesis for adding a particular company to the portfolio and can influence change quickly when needed. 

Our skilled team, our process, and our investment tools provide us with the right combination of strengths to realize value for our investors through flexibility and a global investment universe.

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proprietary technology
How We Manage Risk

How We Manage Risk

At RPIA, we are keenly aware that when it comes to managing our investors’ fixed income investments, prudent risk management and capital preservation in difficult markets is essential. In our view this starts with the quality, strength and experience of the people who are managing the capital day-in-day-out, backed up by continued investment in systems and technology.

We believe active management plays a key risk management role, as it enables us to assess market liquidity and quickly detect when market conditions change. It allows us to take action early to protect our portfolios. It also means that when conditions do stabilize, we can act quickly to capture opportunities.

RPIA has made a significant investment in building an institutional-quality risk management team and infrastructure. Advanced technology allows for effective real-time analysis of exposures and concentrations in the portfolios. This is complemented by a suite of analytics that are used for stress testing of the portfolios, as well as scenario testing and liquidity analysis. Experienced leadership ensures proper interpretation of the analytics and appropriate responses to market conditions as they evolve in real time.

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Why Go Active In Credit

Why Go Active In Credit

In today’s low-rate environment with increasing valuations, it is challenging for investors to effectively manage a portfolio. We believe that a traditional 60% equity and 40% fixed income portfolio cannot generate quality returns for the risks that investors face today, so alternatives need to be considered to help achieve investment goals.

There is much research that supports credit as a distinct and unique asset class. The corporate bond market offers a wider investment universe that can help balance equity risk and provide opportunities due to inefficiencies and mispriced securities that active managers can identify to generate additional “active” returns.

RPIA’s approach is to apply a highly active, dynamic investment process that enables us to consistently extract value from the global credit market, driven by security selection. Investors do not need to compromise on credit quality or sacrifice liquidity to improve their portfolio returns.  We offer a variety of credit-focused solutions to augment your fixed income allocation.

A simple rethink of your fixed income portfolio by introducing truly active credit strategies can be an effective solution for investors to consider reaching their yield and income objectives.

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Our Strategies

Our Strategies

RPIA offers a range of investment strategies reflecting our investors' diverse risk and return objectives.

1. Mutual Funds

  • RP Strategic Income Plus Fund
  • RP Alternative Global Bond Fund

2. Alternative Credit & Fixed Income

  • RP Debt Opportunities
  • RP Select Opportunities
  • RP Fixed Income Plus
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Explore Our Funds

Strategy Performance

An overview of all our strategies including their performance, portfolio characteristics, and any relevant documents all in one place.


Strategy Performance Snapshot

RP Strategic Income Plus Fund

RP Strategic Income Plus Fund seeks to generate stable risk-adjusted absolute returns consisting of dividends, interest income and capital gains by investing primarily in investment grade corporate debt and debt-like securities, with a focus on capital preservation.

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RP Alternative Global Bond Fund

RP Alternative Global Bond Fund seeks to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns with an emphasis on capital preservation. The Fund will invest primarily in investment grade debt and debt-like securities of corporations and financial institutions.

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Market Commentary
Market Update Videos

Creating a More Resilient Bond Portfolio

RP Alternative Global Bond Fund 3YR Anniversary Video

August 2022

Matthew Hunter, Director, Client Portfolio Management, speaking in the video

With RP Alternative Global Bond Fund reaching its 3-year anniversary in July, we reflect on its track record of offering investors the ability to help create a more resilient fixed income portfolio.

Market Update with Richard Pilosof & Alex Evis

Webinar Replay

June 2022

Richard Pilosof, Alex Evis, and Kripa Kapadia in the RPIA boardroom speaking on a webinar

On Wednesday, June 22nd, 2022, Richard Pilosof, Chief Executive Officer, and Alex Evis, Chief Risk Officer, provided an update on the uncertainty we are seeing in the markets recently. They covered the uncertain macroeconomic backdrop and its implications on asset prices, recent activity and potential risks throughout broad bond markets, and an update on opportunities in credit markets.

InvestED Videos

The Power of a Global Opportunistic Credit Strategy During Uncertain Times

Investor Education: Our Products

November 2023

Thumbnail - Kripa Kapadia

RP Select Opportunities (RP SOF) combines our carefully selected investment ideas with a highly active and flexible approach, delivering positive calendar returns for investors every year for almost a decade. In this video, Kripa Kapadia highlights how an unconstrained credit strategy like RP SOF can potentially enhance performance while increasing diversification and downside protection for an investment portfolio.

Calibrating Interest Rate Exposure

Investor Education: Bonds 101

October 2023

InvestED video featuring Brendon Scott

Interest rates are the common factor used to discount an investment's expected future cash flows, and, therefore, they are the backbone of all asset class valuations. Consequently, a traditional investment portfolio is inherently exposed to interest rate risk in several explicit and implicit ways. In this video, Brendon provides an overview on interest rate exposures and how utilizing strategies that manage interest rate risk can provide potential benefits.

Uncovering Hidden Risks: Reinvestment Risk

Investor Education: Bonds 101

September 2023

Carly Plate

Given the rise in risk-free rates over the past few years, investors can now capture yields through high-quality bonds, GICs, or money market funds. However, although opting for shorter-term options is appealing, it's crucial to assess reinvestment risk and its long-term impact on the portfolio. In this video, Carly discusses two primary ways investors can combat reinvestment risk using an actively managed fixed income solution.

Relationship Team

Imran Dhanani

Imran Dhanani

Principal, Head of Retail Distribution

Matthew Hunter Headshot

Matthew Hunter

Director of National Sales

Headshot of Brendon Scott

Brendon Scott

Principal, Director of Retail Distribution

Dario Pandurevic Headshot

Dario Pandurevic

Principal, Director of Retail Distribution (Quebec)

Carly Plate 2022 Headshot

Carly Plate

Director of Retail Distribution

David Bowman Headshot

David Bowman

Director of Retail Distribution

Christina Li Headshot

Christina Li

Business Development Manager (Quebec)

Colin Wallace Jr Headshot

Colin Wallace Jr.

Business Development Manager

Clayton Sequeira Headshot

Clayton Sequeira

Business Development Manager

Vincenzo Bufalino Headshot

Daniel Karagueuzian

Business Development Manager

Vincenzo Bufalino Headshot

Vincenzo Bufalino

Manager, Retail Distribution